Middle earth shadow of mordor characters
Middle earth shadow of mordor characters

middle earth shadow of mordor characters

The losing Nemesis may flee the battle, which allows him to continue to live. If one of the Nemeses is a Warchief, their bodyguards will also be present. The Nemeses can either go one on one, or fight with their followers. Duel (also riot and power struggle)- One Nemesis battles another Uruk Nemesis in an attempt to gain more power.Usually newer Captains are much weaker than those who have had experienced other events, but they may be useful for easy domination or easy fodder for other captains to level up on. If there are no empty spots in the system, the Uruk attempts to kill another Captain to enter the system. After occupying a space on the Sauron's Army screen he gains a title and new armor. Promotion - An Uruk Grunt enters the Nemesis System to become a Captain.These are triggered by entering the Mission on the game world, passing time in the map screen, or if Talion dies. These are the Missions that Uruk nemeses go throughout the course of the game. Any Grunt is capable of becoming a captain, so this may be useful for players to exploit if they need new Captains to dominate by either getting killed by regular Grunt or just by passing time in the map menu. If a Grunt proves himself (such as succesfully killing Talion or defeating a captain, ect.) he may become a captain. Grunt - The most common foe that Talion meets can also be a part of the Nemesis System.These Nemeses can also be death threatened which increases the chance of an Epic Runes, but the captain will also surround himself with more guards. These Uruk are the most dynamic as they are the ones who fight and go do missions on their own if they are left alone. These Uruk are sometimes in the service of a warchief which they will join with him when he appears. These Uruk are much more powerful than the regular Uruk since they have access to traits that gives them increased power while also giving them specific weaknesses to exploit. Captains - These Uruk are the most common nemeses that Talion will encounter.When dominated, all Uruk under his command is ready to fight Talion and other Uruk that are not under his control. Can be threatened by dominated nemeses to increase the chance of epic runes, but in return the warchief recruits more captains to their bodyguard and increase in level. These Uruk are not on the map, but instead must be drawn out by having a dominated nemesis bring him out or completing a mission that will attract the warchief's attention. These nemeses are much tougher than the Captains. Warchief - These Uruk are on top of the ladder and have control over 2-4 Captains that make up their bodyguard.The hierarchy of the Uruk are separated into three basic types: If Talion dominates that Nemesis and is fighting in that area, the Nemesis will join in the battle in defense of Talion.

middle earth shadow of mordor characters

If the Nemesis is not on the map, at least the mission that will draw him out will still be located on the map. Location - This states the location the Nemesis is in.Traits - This lists the various Strengths and Weaknesses of the Nemesis itself, which makes each Nemesis very unique and require various tactics to defeat.Nemesis tend to surround themselves with uruks of the same type as themselves, for example a berserker captain will have a small group of berserkers with him. Fighting Styles - All Nemeses have their own particular fighting style based on the various fighting styles of Uruk Grunts which are further enhanced by traits that give them new fighting abilities or buffs.Several Captain Nemeses will serve as bodyguards for the Warchiefs These Bodyguards will appear with the Warchief when he appears to face Talion. This usually involves a rivalry between the two Uruk and Talion will constantly find these two doing missions against each other until one of them dies. Relationships - Some of the Uruk may have some kinds of relations to the other Nemeses.Legendary - Has been in the system for a long time, has done many missions.Elite - Has proven himself capable by doing a good number of missions.Veteran - Has been in the Nemesis system enough for a few missions.No prefix - Has either not succeeded in any missions or just entered the system.This is indicated by the prefix of his rank. Rank - The longer the Nemesis stays in the Nemesis system, the more events he succeeds.Maximum level has been indicated at 20 at this point Power Levels - This determines the base strength of the Nemesis, the higher the number, the more powerful the Nemesis in battle.The personality of the Nemesis can be figured out by his visuals. Visuals - They are generated randomly by multiple body types and parts, hairstyles, behaviors, voices, animations, ect.Names - Each Nemesis has their own unique name.Nemeses are defined by many different factors:

Middle earth shadow of mordor characters